An inexhaustive list of courses that I have taught at universities of applied sciences since 2005.
2013-2021, Communication & Multimedia Design, Avans UAS:
- Data journalism & storytelling.
- Design projects.
- Information architecture.
- Philosophy.
- Play design.
- Speculative design.
- UX & interaction design.
- Supervision of internships & graduation projects.
2008-2013, Game Design & Technology / ICT & Media Design, Fontys UAS:
- Design projects.
- Game design, game studies.
- Interactive storytelling.
- Sound & video editing.
- UX & interaction Design.
- Supervision of internships & graduation projects.
2005-2008, Game Design & Development / Interaction Design, HKU (University of the Arts Utrecht):
- Design projects.
- Game studies.
- Interaction design.
- Supervision of internships & graduation projects.